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The 5 Reasons Restaurants are Struggling to Staff

Writer: Order SolutionsOrder Solutions

One of the major problems that restaurants are currently facing is a lack of staff. This is not just an issue for small restaurants, but also for large franchises as well. The restaurant industry isn't the only place struggling to find employees, but it is one of the hardest industries to recruit workers for. There are many factors that contribute to this problem. Here's a short list of reasons why it might be difficult for restaurants to find and retain staff.

1.) The Restaurant Industry Has become more reliant on skilled and semi-skilled labor than ever before

2.) The high turnover rates in the restaurant industry can lead to a lack of consistency in both customer service and product quality

3.) Many restaurateurs don't provide health care or other benefits such as sick leave or maternity leave

4.) Restaurants may not be able to offer competitive compensation packages due to their lower profit margins

The restaurant industry has changed

The restaurant industry has changed in recent years. The number of restaurants operating has doubled over the last decade, while the number of employees has stayed stagnant. This means that restaurants are more reliant on skilled and semi-skilled labor than ever before.

Additionally, there's a high turnover rate in the restaurant industry, which can lead to both decreased customer service and product quality. Wage increases have caused people to look into other jobs as well, contributing to a high turnover rate. Some restaurants don't provide health care or other benefits, such as sick leave or maternity leave, which makes it difficult for people to maintain their careers in this field. Restaurants may not be able to offer competitive compensation packages due to their lower profit margins.

The Post Pandemic world has brought on new problems and amplified existing ones. There is also a lot of stress working at a restaurant during a Pandemic – fears of getting sick, too many call in orders or calls in general, balancing attention between customers in the store and on the phone, not having enough staff on hand, and more.

Services like OrderSolutions’ alleviate the burden of having to balance in-store and off-premise orders. OrderSolutions provide phone agents to take phone calls for restaurants, giving employees the flexibility to work on other important tasks and reducing stress overall.

How can we fix this?

Luckily, there are a few ways that restaurants can remedy this. One way is to invest in the training of existing employees. Restaurants should provide their existing employees with opportunities for growth in their roles so that they have the opportunity to progress within the company. Some restaurants have even increased wages to compete with other industries.

Not only would this allow them to retain more staff, but it would also help them recruit new workers when they are in need of an extra hand at certain times.

Providing better benefits is another way that restaurants can keep their staff happy and less likely to leave. This could include sick leave or maternity leave for employees who find themselves in situations where they need time off. There are many reasons why restaurants might lack personnel, but these solutions can help them overcome these issues and thrive once again!

One of the most effective solutions that restaurant owners have been using is the restaurant call center. When a restaurant partners up with a restaurant call center service, they no longer have to worry about all of the phone calls coming in. In-store staff is now solely in-store. The restaurant call center will take your phone orders and then send them to your store. Lean about the #1 Restaurant Call Center, OrderSolutions - Support your store with a highly trained off-premise staff that knows your menu and culture inside and out.


The restaurant industry is struggling to keep up with all these changes and it's time for adaptation. Restaurants need to take the first step and change their attitudes and approaches to hiring and retaining employees.


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